Loss Prevention

As retail losses due to criminal behaviour grow, loss prevention is top of mind for many Canadian retailers. Is your security provider offering the level of service and reliability you expect? If not, it’s time to work with Canada’s loss prevention specialists.

NJE Securite highly trained loss prevention team are experts in retail loss prevention, shrinkage reduction, and non-violent crisis intervention. No matter the size of your retail store, we can build a custom security plan that’s designed to maximize your coverage while working within your existing security protocols.

Why Are Loss Prevention Services Important?

Each year, retail crime costs Canadian businesses close to $5 billion. Independent stores present a particularly vulnerable target, with 87.5 per cent of independent retailers reporting at least one incidence of theft per year. In an era when budgets are being squeezed, Canadian retailers can proactively safeguard their profits by ensuring they have a robust loss prevention strategy in place.

Where are Loss Prevention Staff Typically Used?

Loss Prevention security guards offer a flexible and dependable deterrent to crime. Whether deployed as door greeters, undercover, or patrolling the store, they are constantly assessing their environment for signs of threats, before dealing with them in a discreet and professional manner. At NJE Securite , we’ve partnered with the following types of businesses to provide loss prevention services:

Our complete prevention program includes tools and operational strategies to effectively reduce the theft of:

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